Microsoft Bing launched Page insights
After months of testing, the lightbulb icon in the Bing Search results are live for all.
Page insights “provides summarized insights from a page on your search results so you can find what you’re looking for faster,” Microsoft said in the announcement.
What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of this new feature, which you can see yourself for a Bing search on [mars mission nasa]:

More on page insights. Page insights “helps you verify that the source is relevant to your needs, helps you get caught up to speed at a glance on top factoids you didn’t know about, and lets you jump straight to the relevant section of the page when you click ‘Read more’ for a specific question,” the company said. There is also a section to “explore more” to find more relevant search results.
Only available on desktop. Microsoft said this feature is only available on desktop search results because of the “screen size required to properly display the results.”
Months of testing. Microsoft Bing has been testing variations of this since June and the lightbulb variation since October.
Why we care. First, you might want to see if your site’s Bing snippet has this Page insight feature and if so, if the content and images within the Page insights box looks accurate and positive. So test it out for some of your more valuable keyword phrases.
Also, for a searcher feature, it is a fun little tool that we’ve seen variations from other search companies in various forms previously.